Stronghold Type: | Ghetto |
Age: | 649 years old |
Gov/Attitude: | Guild Isolationist (N) |
Resources: | Poor |
Race: | Duergar (45) |
SubRaces: | -- |
Relations: | Elves: Cautious Gnomes: Indifferent Halflings: Indifferent Humans: At War |
War/Peace: | Peace always |
Militia: |
Pick and hammer (8) Spear and pick (8) Spear and hammer (8) Pick and light crossbow (8) Hammer and sword (4) Hammer and heavy crossbow (4) Fighter 2 (Leader) (10) Fighter 4 (Leader) (4) W/T - Vermin Slayer (1) W/P - Vindicator (1) W/T - Trader (1) Pri - Crafts Priests (1) War - Animal Master (1) |